About PPT


"Psychopharmakotherapie" (PPT) is the only German-language journal with a single focus on the pharmacotherapy of psychiatric and neurologic diseases, especially under the aspects pharmacology, evaluation in clinical studies, postmarketing surveillance, drug risks, pharmacoeconomics, and practical experiences. Its aim is to inform German-speaking psychiatrists and neurologists (clinicians as well as practitioners) on best practice and current developments in this field. PPT provides reviews, original (= research) papers, editorials, commentaries, case reports, and short reports on high-level publications and congress presentations. Reviews, original papers, commentaries, and case reports are subject to peer review.

Publication language is German. All reviews, original papers and case reports include an English abstract which is openly available on the journal's website.

Editorial Board

The journal is accounted for by six renowned German experts in the field of pharmacotherapy of psychiatric and neurologic disorders, including its pharmacologic background and pharmacoeconomic implications:

  • Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Reif (leading editor), Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie, Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt (Frankfurt/M.)
  • Prof. Dr. med. Gerd Laux, Institut für Psychologische Medizin (Haag i. OB)/Psychiatrische Klinik der LMU (Munich)
  • Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Jürgen Möller, Psychiatrische Klinik der LMU (Munich)
  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Walter E. Müller, Pharmakologisches Institut für Naturwissenschaftler, Goethe Universität (Frankfurt/M.)
  • Prof. Dr. med. Heinz Reichmann, Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie, Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus (Dresden)
  • Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Fritze (Pulheim), former associate professor Goethe Universität Frankfurt/M. and leading medical advisor Verband der privaten Krankenversicherung e.V. (German association of private medical insurance)

The editors are supported by a scientific board of about 40 psychiatrists, neurologists, and further experts.

Editorial office

Redaktion Psychopharmakotherapie
Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Maybachstraße 8
70469 Stuttgart

Phone: +49-711-2582234
Fax: +49-711-2582283
E-Mail: ppt@wissenschaftliche-verlagsgesellschaft.de

Publication ethics and malpractice statement

Authors' responsibilities

Manuscripts are accepted on the prerequisite that

  • all authors have significantly contributed to the research and are responsible for the manuscript (e.g. participation in the review process, provision of retractions or corrections of mistakes)
  • the same research has not yet been published in another journal 

Authors have to declare potential conflicts of interest and financial support. Please fill in the form. Our German-speaking authors will find more information in the author guidelines.

Peer review

Reviews, original papers, commentaries, and case reports are reviewed by one of the editors and by a second reviewer (usually a member of the scientific board) who is nominated by the editor in charge. The second reviewer remains anonymous to the author(s). 

Reviewers are prompted to comment on the manuscript within a given time limit and to treat the reviewed manuscript confidentially. They shall inform the editor in charge or the editorial office immediately if there are any obstacles for them (e.g. any conflict of interest) to render their expert opinion on the given manuscript. 

The reviewers can recommend major and minor revisions. The recommendations are forwarded to the author(s) by the editor in charge or the editorial office. Major revisions result in an additional review by the editor in charge. After a failed second revision the manuscript may be rejected. 

After acceptance for publication, the manuscripts undergo editorial processing. The author(s) obtain drafts of their article which they shall return to the editorial office within a given time limit (typically one week). Short reports commissioned by the editorial office are proved by all five editors after editorial processing. All five editors have a final look on the whole content of an issue before printing.

Publication ethics

The journal supports adherence to acknowledged publication ethics (e.g. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors). Any allegations of research or publication misconduct shall be forwarded to the editorial office. They will be discussed with the editors, the author(s), and the publisher's legal department, accordingly. If warranted, corrections, clarifications, retractions, and/or apologies will be published promptly.

Copyright and access

The contents of "Psychopharmakotherapie" are subject to the German copyright. Rights are owned by the publisher Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart. For licensing requests please contact the editorial office. 

The journal (print) is available by subscription. Non-German speaking suitors are asked to contact the editorial office.

Subscribers are entitled to register for full-text online access via www.ppt-online.de. Non-subscribers have online access to the tables of contents which include German and English abstracts. Individual articles (pdf) may be purchased. Please contact the editorial office.